Meet the ERHH NHS Team

The Exmoor Rural Health Hub (ERHH) is open to all members of the farming community and is staffed by an experienced and friendly team, made up of local Community Staff Nurses, Claire and Heather and Chiropodist, Sarah. Let’s meet them...
Claire: NHS Community Staff Nurse

Claire joined the team in September 2022. Although not from a farming background, Claire, who lives in Kilve, says “I have certainly learnt a lot about farming and farmers since joining the ERHH team.”
As a Community District Nurse, Claire travels around the Exmoor countryside and during the course of her work is able to promote the ERHH service whilst visiting patients. She has seen the number of people visiting the Health Hub grow from 1 or 2 in the early days when it was based in the local village hall, to 6-8 patients on a busy market day, now that the health hub is based in the portacabin at the market.
Sian: Clinical Associate Psychologist.
I am Somerset born and raised and have been living on Exmoor for the last six years. My husband and wider family are beef and sheep farmers, so I am well aware of the stresses and pressures farming families face on a daily basis. I have worked in NHS mental health services for many years, and recognise that reaching out for mental health support can sometimes be daunting and impractical, especially for those in the farming community who work long, irregular hours in rural locations. I am therefore delighted to be able to offer support and guidance to the farming & wider community @ the Exmoor Rural Health Hub, at Cutcombe Market, as this drop-in clinic is easily accessed, informal and convenient.

Heather has worked for the Mental Health Service in the NHS for over 20 years. Heather commented “When the opportunity arose for me to be part of the Exmoor Rural Health Hub at the market, I was delighted. I was pleased to be able to offer support and advice to the farming community who may be having difficulties and unable to see someone due to time constraints and managing farms and livestock. Stress and anxiety can be so debilitating and can affect people in different ways”.
Heather and her family moved to Somerset when she was 14 and had a small holding where they reared their own livestock and grew lots of vegetables. She added “I love the countryside and the lifestyle it provides. I feel very fortunate to live and work in this area.”
Heather: Senior Support Time and Recovery worker

The ERHH team provide a range of services from podiatry clinics to health and wellbeing checks including blood pressure & cholesterol tests and can also offer advice and support for stress and anxiety. No appointment is necessary. Just call in and speak to one of the team in confidence – each appointment will last approximately 10-15 minutes.
Sarah: Chiropodist

Sarah has lived on Exmoor her whole life and been working as a Chiropodist for 24 years. Sarah commented “my family are beef and sheep farmers. So it was an easy decision for me when asked to provide a Chiropody service at Cutcombe Market for our local farming community”.
Claire, Heather and Sarah feel strongly that the ERHH service plays a vital role for the farming community and having a presence at the livestock market is a great way to gain trust with farmers.
So, if you haven’t visited the health hub yet, why not pop along the next time you are at market. Remember it’s free and no appointment is necessary – how often can you say that these days!
Testimonial - Chiropody client:
Mrs W said '' It was my first time visiting the Exmoor Rural Health Hub Chiropodist. I had been suffering with two in-grown toenails causing some discomfort for several months. I contacted Sarah to book an appointment and received excellent care and attention. She made me feel very at ease and I no longer suffer with discomfort. I will be visiting her again without any hesitation.
I highly recommend her to anyone who is in need of foot care. I feel very fortunate that we have this wonderful service available on Exmoor, being easily accessible at our local livestock market”.
Check out the “Dates for your diary” section, for details of future clinics.